Mental health begins with you us.

Find the support you need, right here in Cochrane.

Help is just around the corner.

Good mental health takes a community that cares. Cochrane offers a variety of local programs and services to prevent and treat mental health challenges. Discover the resources in your own backyard.

Everybody has mental health. How’s yours?

Don’t wait until you’re feeling sad or depressed to seek help. Maintaining your mental health is important at every stage of life. Start supporting your mental wellness today.

Your feelings matter. Take this quick assessment to find the resources you need.

How do you feel?


I feel good overall. I can cope with the normal stresses of life well, and I connect with my loved ones regularly.

That's great!

Good mental health requires care and attention. Visit our Pillars of Wellness page for tips on how to maintain your mental well-being.
Get Tips


I don’t feel like myself lately. But maybe it’s nothing to be concerned about.

We’re here to help.

If you’re not feeling like yourself, it’s best to talk with someone – just to be safe. Find mental health support on our Local Resources page today.
Find Support


I feel sad and I often feel like crying. I don’t have the energy to do things I usually enjoy.

Help is available 24/7.

You don’t have to struggle alone. If you are in distress, call or text a local helpline now. Someone is waiting to speak with you.
Contact a Helpline

You’re not alone. Cochrane cares.

If you need someone to talk to, call or text a local helpline now. Mental health support is available 24/7.

If you need emergency assistance, call 911 immediately.

Stories of Hope

Brave Cochranites share their journeys to mental wellness – and how they overcame stigma along the way.

Cochrane Cares is brought to you by:

Need support? Call or text the Distress Centre Helpline 24/7 at 403- 266-4357.